Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Video for kids
We desire to LOVE GOD with all of our hearts,
LOVE OTHERS as Christ loves us,
and to SERVE THE WORLD through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our desire is to be a community where we LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and SERVE THE WORLD.
We are a group of believers seeking authentic relationships with Christ and one another.
We worship, fellowship, study, and serve to develop greater intimacy with our Creator and His creation.
At Northside we express our love and gratitude to God through spiritual,
God-centered worship and celebration.
We are a place where healing and unconditional love can be found;
a place to build a closer and deeper relationship with God and others.
We work to share Christ's message through acts of service in our community and around the world.
If you are looking for a church family or just visiting we would love to meet you.
We invite you to study, worship, and praise God with us.