Visit us
Sunday services:
In-person Worship:
Every Sunday at 10:30
Online Worship Service:
10:30 am each Sunday - available on our home page.
Contact us
1908 N. Towanda Barnes Road
Bloomington, IL 61705
What to Expect
Warm welcome:
As you enter on Sunday, you will be greeted by one of our members, who will give you a church bulletin and welcome you. If you have any questions or need directions, the greeters will be more than happy to help. Feel free to grab some coffee (coffee is against the wall directly across from where you enter), and either make your way to the sanctuary or spend some time visiting in the foyer before service. Our worship service takes place in our sanctuary at 10:30.
the lord's supper:
We take part in the Lord’s Supper, or Communion, each week. This is a time when we celebrate the sacrifice that Jesus made. We will pass trays with pieces of communion bread and trays with communion cups (please place your used cup in the back of the pew in front of you). If you would rather take a prepackaged bread/cup, please ask one of the ushers when you arrive. After the message, a brief reflection and prayer will be given before we all take the bread signifying Jesus’ body together. After another prayer, we will all take the juice signifying Jesus’ blood together. If you choose not to participate, don't be embarrassed… just pass the plate or tray to the person next to you.
Each week, an offering is taken to support our ministry. As a visitor, we do not ask you to give any money.
Nursery and children's ministry:
Our nursery and children's classroom are open throughout the service. Both groups begin by worshiping together in the fellowship hall before the nursery age head back to the nursery for a short lesson, snack, and time to play. Older children remain in the fellowship hall for lessons, snacks, crafts, and other activities.
Children can be dropped off prior to service and picked up after service is over.